"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." — Mahatma Gandhi
Monday, October 27, 2008
Naked Butts
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Playing War
Pink Socks and Knitting
The best thing about some of the blogs I follow is the pictures of other kids....SouleMama`s son has long hair and was wearing a funky hat.....my kids can see other kids are like them....
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Photos of Tshirts and Pillowcases
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Poop Vac
I read on a blog somewhere, wish I remember which one, about a cool activity - a blog linked from "unplugyourkids". So after swimming today I bought some sandpaper, 100 grit, and brought it home. The kids made pictures on them with crayons. Then we turned them over on t-shirts and pillowcases and ironed them. COOL!!! A transfer. They loved it! And if you color in the same place again it's reusable......August went outside and colored a maple tree that's beside our deck, Sawyer did a rainbow then balloons and Holdy wanted to do his hands so we traced them and I colored them in for him.....what an EASY awesome activity!
Sawyer, "Mummy we're doing lots of things, why?"
Overheard Sawyer on the phone to a 30 year old friend "so, what do you want to talk about?"
This was after he played 2 songs on the piano for her "old macdonald" and "twinkle, twinkle" (he's had like 5 lessons) and the three boys all sang "Moose Song" on three different phones with her....and he waited to call her back after she went to help a friend who ran out of gas......Can you say 5 year old ladykiller?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tide is High....
Friday, October 17, 2008
Salmon, beaches and leaves....
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Jenga fun
1. Play the game
2. build towers, see whose gets the highest
3. build castles
4. build domino type courses
5. build buildings to smash down with hotwheels
6. build buildings to smash down with remote control spider
7. build roads
8. build anything else you can imagine...
9. Make letter shapes...
My kids are all busy right now with jenga blocks, we have 2 sets....
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Every motherès nightmare
i want to write something>>>i"m searching for the right word<>>>>> and now my keyboard"s wonky and i remember last time this happened don had to fix it>>>> I want to write something that is life changing for someone.....eyeopeningÉÉÉ cool different funky neato""" the word escapes me
today was homeschooling swimming lessons> my boys love going<> so we"re late<>
<'''''''''''now itès really wonky' at least maybe iève kinda figured it out' but hard to read noé
23 HAY Numbers are back, and commas, I have no idea how I changed it.
Ok back to my story....we get to the pool late, as usual, and since August is basically ready and his lessons start in like 30 seconds and he just has to get his shoes and tshirt off, I send him in while I pay for me, and then head in to the change room with the other two boys.
I get into the pool into the shallow end with the two little guys and I realize I forgot to put in contacts before leaving the house. This is bad. Out in the deep end I see a head bobbing up, take a breath and head back down....over and over .......It looks like August, I start screaming MY SON MY SON, and pointing, but I canèt do anything as Ièm with a 3 and 5 year old, who canèt swim and who would follow me out......the lifeguard is about to jump in when the mother of the bobber jumps up and yells IT IS MY SON AND HE IS FINE. ok, I am a loser. August was on his back swimming with his instructor. I still havenèt spotted him and keep asking Sawyer DO YOU SEE AUGUST DO YOU SEE AUGUST - he has distinctive goggles, but I can not see him. Sidenote: I have told August in the past that if he gets in over his head and starts to sink to go to the bottom and shoot up so he can get a breath. My heart and insides were in turmoil for the rest of the swim. the kid DID look like my kid, and same goggles, I think. His mother talked to me later, she felt bad that she was so blase at the time, but realized the panic I felt. I was just happy to see her get up, cuz then I knew it wasnèt August........Which takes me to the time Holdy almost drowned, in our backyard pool with Adults standing RIGHT THERE.
Scene, birthday party, blowup backyard pool, big mess, Holdy a baby at 10.5 mos and pulling up only....mommy cleaning up as party is essentially over. I head in and out of the house clearing up and the baby is furniture walking around the yard chairs. In the kitchen I have to pee, I have two choices, go thru the hall-laundry room to br or thru the dining room where I can look outside thru a glass door. This is the route I choose and as I look out the dining room sliding glass door I see two baby feet disappear over the edge of the pool ..... you now see one mama running and screaming at the top of her voice JESUS CHRIST JESUS CHRIST.....and finding her baby under the water drowning. I did not sleep for a week. What if I had gone to the bathroom via the other route. I probably wonèt sleep tonight. The two adults who were less than 3 feet from the edge of the pool where he went in had their backs to the pool and were talking and did not notice the baby head that way......
My sister had JUST told me 3 kids drowned that summer in Victoria in backyard pools.
Needless to say, I am not comfortable at swimming lessons with three energetic boys. And when they get the waves going (I hate those dang waves, they PULL you out to the deep water, and my 7 year old still sinks.....) I really panic.....
Holdy did not (canèt use apostrophes) like baths for QUITE a while after that.
Today he was dunking his whole head under the water for fun, he JUST turned 3.
Profound, that was the word I was looking for.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Busy Day .... and Thanks
And I had them practice piano for their lesson tomorrow. Sawyer loves it so far (year 1). August is fighting it, and said he hated it, and wasn't going to practice. (We just changed programs and teacher and hopefully this improves his attitude) I said fine, if you don't want to play piano, I'll pull you out. I don't want to fight with you about this all the time. And went to do something else. And next thing I knew he was playing all his songs. The longest he'd practiced yet. And then he was upset because some keys don't work on our piano, so we had to take his piano books to grandpas to play on his piano. Wow, so maybe giving him the option to quit, and the choice, gave him what he needed. I hope so. I don't expect maestros, but I'd like them to have the option to be able to play what instrument they want later on.....
Wow, then we drove to our ski cabin with dry goods/freezer goods for the winter (it's walk in only in the winter), saw a squirrel, a river and picked some wild blueberries, drove down bout some toilet paper on sale at canadian tire, and then picked up my dad and then went to my cousin's for thanksgiving dinner, then home. Listening to screaming all the way home, Holdy LOST IT, sooooo tired, so frustrated, so ready for bed poor thing. August sang to the tune of "down by the bay" "all I ever want is eeearr ear plugs...." I'm like, yah, I can relate......
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Facilitate More....
Also, reading before bed tonight, they both wanted to go to websites in the back of the book, TICK, must do that tomorrow. I've been too lacidasical (sp?) got to plan my unschooling a bit more, right? ARGH!!?? Why do I doubt myself so much? I will make a loose plan, and see what happens......
We will go outside for a walk and collect leaves and......................lets just see what happens.....
Saturday, October 11, 2008
My Sawyer
"Mummy! Look! The firemans' pole! It's scarey. But I'm very brave."
And then he did it!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Holden!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
August's Tractor Instructions
While that was drying in front of the fire, we started a Tractor.
August began taking photos of his tractor as he made it. Here are his instructions:
1. You need to get a piece of blue paper.
2. Then you get scissors
3. Then you cut a square.
4. And then you cut a rectangle too.
5. Then you paint blue and green on a piece of paper.
6. Then you glue the rectangle on. Then you glue the square on.
7. Then you draw wheels.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Playdate fun and Rainbow Colors!
Red Jellyfish
Monday, October 6, 2008
Red Heads of the World Unite!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Red Heads
He described me, I'm sure he wasn't there!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Garlic and Earwigs
Thursday, October 2, 2008
When is he going to school? he can't read!
So there we sit in a circle, each taking a turn at reading, sounding out the words (this is after phonics drill after phonics drill) and I find this EXCRUTIATING listening to my classmates struggle through each word, I can remember feeling their humiliation, and on top of that I can read. So I read ahead, finish the story and move on to my favourite mermaid and prince story (I can still picture the illustrations in my mind, I'd love to get a copy of that reader) and then my name is being called to read....and of course I have NO IDEA where we are in the story that I am supposed to be reading. So get this, the teacher takes my book, sends me to my desk and THROWS the book at me. YUP. And yelled at me. I was in deep shit. CANUBELIEVEIT? I didn't tell my parents for YEARS as I thought I'd done something horribly wrong. After that I got better at keeping the place in the first story while reading ahead. Of course this is what my mum can't get, that I was reading pretty fluently in grade one and August is in grade two.......
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
unschooling support group for me
At homeschooling swim lessons today I spoke with another unschooling mother, who really said the right things....and she even called me tonight to see if I felt better. I said to her "We need an unschooling support group" and what I really meant was "I need an unschooling support group" If only I had the time I would make time.....a playgroup for mum's right?