Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Moving Day!

Time to move the pigs off the cover crop field onto the 3rd year strawberries....
Unhook the electric fence, take down the poles....and lead the hungry pigs to their new field...
Once the fence was down the pigs had a different idea. 21 pigs ran in 21 directions with 4 woofs and 2 farmers chasing......

Thomas our french woof is the pig whisperer....but even he couldnt get them to follow him.....they had ideas of their own.....21 of them!
Eunmi, the reluctant korean....slightly scared but trying her best to herd the pigs OUT of our new plantings (loaded with ripe strawberries....)
Eventually I had to put the camera down and help!
We gave up trying to get them to the new field, got the new fence up and then worked as a team to get the pigs where we wanted them....amazing what a little organization can do!
I missed some GREAT shots....
But here are the happy happy pigs.....nothing like a pig eating a strawberry fresh from the field!
Whew that was exhausting! Gave those darn farmers a good run for their money eh

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