Saturday, May 29, 2010

Salad Greens....and Cabbage Maggots....

I love being able to make a salad from the garden....
I'm sequentially planting more carefully this year.....
Really, I'm hoping to have my own salad all winter. I refused to buy salad trucked 1500 miles to me in plastic....until I was so desperate for salad I had to....
I must do winter greens this year.....I found a new blog that mentionned chicken manure and a hot bed....I've been thinking on that all day.....I'm sure there'll be more on this at some date far in the future, like September....
So last year we planted out all our brassicas in May....
And after a couple of weeks they died....
Cabbage maggot.
My mum's solution in previous years was to.....put a MOTH BALL
under the plants when planting out.
It works.
We refused last year and lost about 2/3 of the plants. Which meant we had the right amount as my mother is slightly nuts and plants enough to feed the entire Comox Valley.....
One of my salad mix must be a type of cabbage....And there were a basillion maggots eating its' roots.....
And in the next raised bed....a very happy brocolli. The internet is a wonderful place. Apparently if you block access with a barrier the fly doesn't lay it's eggs. (Remember my long barrier story? Same idea different bug...funny how that works) Knock on wood NOT ONE has dropped this year.
This is plastic from an old boat but inner tube plastic, felt, thick landscaping fabric all work. Cut them 5 inches square with a slit to the plant's stem.
So I hope the Comox Valley wants some brocolli this year.....

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