Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Drive myself crazy

We just watched a free documentary called FedUp! basically about the lack of labelling and hence the lack of choice we have in North America regarding gmo food but also about the spiral of effects gmo seeds have had on cultures and food systems around the world.
GMO is NOT genetic selection, where we choose the best tomato plant and keep seeds to grow next year, GMO IS fooling with DNA, and genetic pollution is unstoppable. Once there are foreign genes in a seed and food system there is NO WAY to remove them. Ask the mexicans with their native corns.....
We have been duped people.
The revolving door involving Monsanto, chemical company employees and the US government EPA and etc employees has ensured that we have no choice. (Canada does what US does EXCEPT with RGBH thank god)
The shreddies my hubby eats every morning for breakfast contains GMO (round up ready) sugar beets.
The ice cream we eat contains GMO corn (HFCS)
The canola oil we use, even if we buy organic, has probably been polluted by genetic pollution.
I am going crazy.
It's all about the mighty dollar, and guess who has it? NOT the farmer!
Thank god no rgbh here or we'd have a goat already.......
Watch the movie....

And then watch The Meatrix at the Sustainable Table...an awesome website on food, farming and sustainability.....

And then mapquest.ca the closest looney bin.....I need to go........

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