Sunday, November 16, 2008

Panic Attack

Teacher supervisor visit tomorrow.

Me Panic.

Me kinda ticked that the 'unschoolers' were given a new hire who hasn't even read John Holt.

That I have to work on/educate her to see where I'm coming from.

Good thing she's pregnant now, she will start to understand....but unfortunately she will be off all next year and won't finish this year...

I tried to market math workbooks to August Saying that I would get in trouble if he didn't do SOMETHING.....he still couldn't do them, and I felt bad going against all my principles trying to get him to do them.....Believe me I didn't even TRY to get him to write anything....So it ticks me off totally as I`ve probably set August back months in real `learning` in trying to coerce him into doing stuff he had no interest in. When will I learn.

So I gave up - I know he understands the Math already, maybe not in its formal form.....but intellectually he does...

He has chosen books to read to her, this is not an issue.....and I suspect he will play piano for her.....

I'm still panic stricken......

SLUG SLUG SLUG Where are you????

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