Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Digging it!

We dug potatoes, pulled onions, harvested squash - many squash, many many squash, too many to count.....We will be eating squash til the cows come home and we don't own any cows.
We canned chanterelles (found on our camping trip), shelled peas for freezing, topped sugar snaps for freezing, steamed edamame for freezing, and I still haven't looked in the greenhouse yet.....I suspect there may be just a FEW tomatoes ready for canning.....
There are late planted broccoli, cauliflower and carrots ready, beets....tomatillos (what in the heck do I do with them?), parsnips.....peppers, eggplants.....
The salad greens don't quit...
It's harvest season and it's awesome. I may actually fulfill my goal of not purchasing any veggies this winter....
The apples are falling and the cider press is calling.....
The pigs are enjoying the windfall bounty as we start our pick up route through town (I can pick up a LOT of apples fast.....)
There are still pickling cukes and customers (go figure) and I want to make another batch myself.....
I wish there was more time, but I need to sleep so off to bed I go.....


rae said...

It sounds like you had a fantastic growing season. HOw exciting! Our garden did not do very well this year - too much rain. I love hearing about all that you're preserving as well. Good stuff.

MamaLou said...

Our garden has been phenomenal this year - a combination of hot dry weather, drip irrigation, weeding, composted lamma and horse poop, raised beds and organic fertilizer....It wasn't a garden, it was a jungle! :)