Saturday, August 7, 2010

My Geese Know....

Where their food comes from.....
The local bread outlet gets rid of farmers. It's sickening really the waste bread we pick up for our livestock. Some of it is not even outdated.....We signed a waiver....We are NOT allowed to eat or sell the bread we pick up it is strictly for the animals....
The organic bread goes to the geese! It has selenium in it, which is missing in our soil....The geese are not stupid, they know what's in those bags, they were pulling it out of the back of the truck!
Is this not the ultimate irony....We are trying to eat from the land and the animals are eating our throwawy waste....And I don't even want to think about all the plastic bags we are dealing with.....and the multiprocesses, packaging and fossil fuels that went into producing the bread...
What is wrong with our society people?!

1 comment:

Jane @ Hard Work Homestead said...

I used to board pregnant cows for a dairy farmer. He would bring over truck loads of Krispy Kreme doughnuts that were toss outs also. I always wondered why humans would eat them let alone feed them to those poor cows. Now krispy kreme wont give to farmers anymore, so they go right in the dumpster. It is like there is a contest to see who can waste the most. It is very sad.