Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Great Experiment......

Farmer Don finishing up our new goose tractor......designed to fit over our newly planted strawberry rows.....
which are in the field behind the goose tractor

Famer Don and the geese having a conversation, they are quite vocal and answer when spoken to.....
The geese chosen for the can see where I've hoed...and the rampant weed growth elsewhere....
We've got our fingers crossed.....

Two chinese weeder geese attacking the weeds.....BUT also trampling new strawberry plants.
Result: Fail
Although I was hoping we could put them on our new fields,
they trample the plants and we need these plants to send out mega runners (daughter plants)
We have read that they do better on established fields.
Back to the drawing board.
We have to figure out an easy way to keep them where we want them to weed.
To get them back to their buddies behind the house
on the other side of the driveway we opened the gate and
they followed me home to the other 5 geese and 6 was pretty cute.....
a happy reunion was had and again i went out with a bucket collecting SLUGS and weeds
for my babies...
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1 comment:

Andrea said...

I am sorry your experiment didn't work, very sad. I am sure you will come up with something. My chicks trampled all my romaine lettuce, and I can't keep them out of my herb garden! We will just keep trying!